Add a Journal Entry

A new entry for the journal can be added from the main Journal page or the Account, Opportunity, or Job Detailed Information > Journal Tab and each process is shown below.


To assist you with adding a journal entry from the main Journal page, we have outlined the steps below: 

1.  Click on New Entry

 A screenshot of a social media post

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2.  Type in a brief Activity Name

3.  Type in detailed Notes which outlines the activity

4.  Click on the Assign To: drop down list if you want to assign the task to another employee

5.  Place a Check mark by Send Notification Email if you would like to send the assigned person a notification email

6.  Choose a Date that the journal entry took place

7.  Click Link to a Customer if the journal entry corresponds to an existing customer


          Click Link to an Opportunity if the journal entry is related to an existing opportunity

8.  Now you have 4 options after you input your tasks and details:

      If you are done creating a new task, click Save & Close

      If you want to create an another task, click Save and Create a New Task

      If you want to create a new activity, click Save and Create a New Activity

      If you want to discard the activity, click Cancel 

        A screenshot of a cell phone

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