Add Maintenance Proposal Template

Maintenance Proposal Layout - If you would like to create another proposal layout follow these steps:

1.   From the Proposal tab screen, click on +Add.

2.   Enter a Template Name.


3.   Choose the Content you want to show on the Proposal:


If you'd like to add Headers & Footers, please see the Maintenance Header or Maintenance Footer Section below.

Click Save Proposal Template to return to View the Proposal OR Cancel to discard the creation of a new Template.

4.   Maintenance Headers.

You can choose from a list of existing headers:


You can choose Blank Header to make a new one from scratch, once you are done creating the new header, choose Actions>Save as Template


if you no longer want to use the header chose, click Remove


For more information, please see the Settings area, the section entitled: Proposal Headers/Footers 

5.   Maintenance Footers.

You can choose a list of Footers:


You can choose Blank Footer to make a new one from scratch, once you are done creating the new header, choose Actions>Save as Template:


if you no longer want to use the header chose, click Remove.

For more information, please see the Settings area, the section entitled: Proposal Headers/Footers.