Construction Actions Menu

1.   Import - After you are done labeling your Design drawing, you can export the file to DMX format so that you can create an estimate based on your labeled drawing. For detailed instructions, see Import from the DMX section.

2.   View Proposal - Once you are ready to present the estimate to your customer, you can show them the Estimate Proposal. For detailed instructions, see the View Proposal section.

3.   Reports - After you are done with the estimate, you can view, export or print the following Reports: Estimate Analysis, Material list or Work Order.  For detailed instructions, see the Reports from Estimate section.

4.   Create New Version - If another version of the estimate needs to be created so that you can make modifications to the estimate but still preserve the original, you can do this from the Actions menu.  For detailed instructions, see the Create New Version section.

5.   Delete Estimate - If an estimate is no longer needed, you can easily delete it through the Estimates Actions Menu.  For detailed instructions, see the Delete an Estimate section.

6.   Save As Template - If you would like to start a new estimate based on an existing estimate, you can do this by saving it as a template. For detailed instructions, see the Save as Template section.

7.   Refresh Estimate - If changes were made to any items in the Costbook and you want to be sure you have the latest costs, overhead, profit or taxes then you should refresh the estimate.  For detailed instructions, see the Refresh Estimate section.

8.   Estimate Won - Once the customer approves the estimate, the next step would be to Win the Estimate. For detailed instructions, see the Estimate Won section.