Create a Contact

 You can create contacts that can later be link to Suppliers (not Accounts) by following these instructions:

1.   Click on the Contacts Menu.

2.   Click on the Contacts option.

3.   Click on the New Contact button.

A screenshot of a cell phone

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4.   Enter the First or Last Name as either one need to be entered before saving.

5.   The optional fields are the Salutation, Title, Email, Birthday, Home, Fax, Work, Cell, Other number or Contact Notes, feel free to enter as much detail as you wish.

6.   Now you have 3 options after you input your contact information:

    If you need to leave the computer for a few minutes, click Save

    If you are done creating a new contact, click Save and Close

    If you want to discard the addition, click Cancel.

A screenshot of a social media post

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