Edit Contact Information

You can edit contact information by opening an account or by following these steps:

1.   Click on the Contacts Menu.

2.   Click on the Contacts option.

3.   Search for the contact.

4.   Click on the Contacts name to open for editing.

A screenshot of a social media post

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5.   The Contact will open for editing. 

If the contact is associated with an Account, you will see the following screen:

A screenshot of a computer

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 If the contact is link to a Supplier, you will see the following screen:

A screenshot of a social media post

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 If the contact is not associated with either, you will see the following screen.

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

     Make the necessary changes.

6.   Now you have 3 options after you edit your contact information:

    If you need to leave the computer for a few minutes, click Save

    If you are done editing the contact, click Save and Close

    If you want to discard the edits, click Cancel.