File Format

The following columns are available for import (required columns will be indicated as well).

      Botanical Name (required) – This is the Botanical Name of the Plant in Manage360. If the plant does not have a SKU number, then the Botanical Name, Common Name, Size, Unit Type and Supplier will be used for matching to determine if an update should be applied.

      Common Name (required) – This is the Common Name of the Plant in Manage360. If the material does not have a SKU number, then the Botanical Name, Common Name, Size, Unit Type and Supplier will be used for matching to determine if an update should be applied.

      Spanish Name – The Spanish Name for this plant. The Spanish Name will be imported if the if the Alternate Language is set in the Regional Settings and Formatting area.

      Description – The description of the plant.

      Size (required) – The size of the plant to be installed. If the size does not already exist in the Plant Size entries, it will be added.

      Category (required) – Used for grouping of the plants. If the Category does not already exist in the Manage360 site (Settings page in the ‘Costbook Settings’ section) then it will be added automatically.

      Supplier (required) – Supplier for the plant. If the Supplier does not already exist in the Manage360 site, then it will be added automatically. Suppliers can be seen from the Contacts -> Suppliers menu

      Division (required) – Typical Division of the plant. It can be used in any Division on an Estimate.

      SKU – SKU of the plant. Must be unique per Supplier of that plant. If updating, the SKU and Supplier are checked to determine if the plant already exists in Manage360.

      Unit Type (required) – Unit Type (i.e., Each, Flat) of the plant to be purchased. If the Unit Type does not already exist in the Manage360 site (Settings page in the ‘Costbook Settings’ section) then it will be added automatically.

      Unit Cost (required) – Cost to purchase the plant. Value must be >= 0.

      Purchase Tax – Tax code (up to 4 characters) from Manage360. If blank, ‘EXMT’ will be used. Tax codes can be added from the Settings page by going to the ‘My Company Settings’ section and selecting ‘Taxes’.

      Warranty – Warranty markup to be applied to the plant. If blank, the Division default will be used. Default is set from the Division page in the Settings area.

      Profit Margin – Set a specific Profit Margin on the plant. If blank, the default Profit Margin from the Division will be used when adding a new plant. If the plant is being updated and the field is blank, then it would clear any overridden profit margin value. If a value is set, then the ‘Override’ will be checked and the value in the spreadsheet will be used for both new additions and updates.

      Fixed Price – The fixed price of the plant will be set. The Fixed Price flag will be enabled. If blank, then nothing will be set on the initial import. If the field is blank and the plant is being updated, then the Fixed Price flag will be cleared as will any existing fixed price value (if one exists)

      Sales Tax – Y/N or Yes/No can be used. Will set the plant to Taxable if Y or Yes and Non-Taxable if N or No is used. If blank, the Non-Taxable will be set.

      Is Favorite – Y/N or Yes/No can be used. Will check the Is Favorite flag if set to Y or Yes.

      Hide on Proposal – Y/N or Yes/No can be used. Will check the Hide on Proposal option if set to Y or Yes.