File Format

The following columns are available for import (required columns will be indicated as well).

    AccountName (required) – This is the name of the Account in Manage360. If the name already exists in the Manage360 site, then a warning will be issued as duplicate Account names are not allowed in Manage360. If the same Account Name is used multiple times within the spreadsheet itself (and does not already exist on the Mange360 site), then any additional contact information will be imported as Secondary contacts to a single Account (the Primary status is determined based on order in the list

    PrimaryContactFirstName, PrimaryContactLastName – First and Last name of the account contact. If both fields are left blank, the import will attempt to use the Account Name as the contact name (using a Lastname, Firstname breakdown)

    AddressLine1 – The main address information of the Account

    AddressLine2 – Additional address information (NB: This will only be available for Manage360 customers in the UK)

    City – City information for the Account

    State/Province (required) – State (US) or Province (Canada) information for the Account. If this field is left blank, the default State/Province from Manage360 site will be used (this can be seen/changed from the Settings page in the ‘My Company Settings’ section)

    Postal/Zip – Zip code or Postal Code for the Account

    AccountPhone – The main phone number of the Account

    AccountFax – The main fax number of the Account

    AccountEmail – the main email address of the Account

    AccountType (required) – There are 2 options for this field: ‘C‘ for Commercial or ‘R‘ for Residential

    BillingName – If this field is blank, then this Account Name will be used. If the Billing Name matches the Account Name of another entry, then this Account will be linked to the other Account for Billing

    BillingContactFirstName – First name of the Billing Contact, if blank, then the Primary Contact will also be set as the Billing Contact

    BillingContactLastName – Last name of the Billing Contact, if blank, then the Primary Contact will also be set as the Billing Contact

    BillingAddressLine1 – Billing address of the Account. If blank, the main address will be used

    BillingAddressLine2 – Additional address information (NB: This will only be available for Manage360 clients in the UK)

    BillingCity – Billing city. If blank, the main city will be used

    BillingState/Province – Billing State or Province. If blank, the main state or province will be used

    BillingPostal/Zip – Billing Postal or Zip code. If blank, the main postal or zip code will be used

    Sales Tax (required) – Tax code (up to 4 characters) from Manage360. ‘EXMT’ is the only default code in Manage360, and others can be added from the Settings page by going to the ‘My Company Settings’ section and selecting ‘Taxes’

    PaymentTerms – Payment terms (such as Net 30) for the Account. If blank, the default option from the Manage360 site will be used (this can be seen/changed from the Settings page in the ‘Account Settings’ section). If the Payment Terms used do not already exist in Manage360, they will be added automatically

    Region – Typically a geographic grouping for the Accounts. If it is blank, ‘Not Applicable’ will be used. If the Region does not already exist in the Manage360 site (Settings page in ‘Account Settings’ section) then it will be added automatically

    Community – Additional community information. This is a text box in Manage360

    AccountRating – Information about the rating of the Account. If it is blank, ‘Not Applicable’ will be used. If the Account Rating does not already exist in the Manage360 site (Settings page in ‘Account Settings’ section) then it will be added automatically

    SalesPerson (required) – The Sales Person who will be assigned to this Account. They must already exist in the Manage360 site

    LeadSource – How did the account hear about us. If blank, the default Lead Source will be used (this can be seen/changed from the Settings page in the ‘Opportunity Settings’ section). If the Lead Source used does not already exist in Manage360, it will be added automatically

    SourceDetails – Additional detail about the Lead. This is a text box in Manage360

    PrivateNotes – Specific notes about the Account can be entered here. This is a text box in Manage360

    ContactHomeNumber – Home phone number for the Primary Contact

    ContactWorkNumber – Work phone number for the Primary Contact

    ContactCellNumber – Cell number for the Primary Contact

    ContactOtherNumber – Additional contact number for the Primary Contact

    ContactEmail – Email address for the Primary Contact

    ContactFax – Fax number for the Primary Contact

    InvoicePrintLater – This is used with QuickBooks to set the Print Invoice Later field. Please use either ‘Y’ or ‘N’. If blank, it will default to ‘N’

    InvoiceEmailLater – This is used with QuickBooks to set the Email Invoice Later field. Please use either ‘Y’ or ‘N’. If blank, it will default to ‘N’.