Refresh Estimate

There are times when you need to revisit an estimate after making changes to the pricing information (Profit Margins, Markups, Costs or Tax Rate) for the current division.  This can happen when a client asks to go forward with an estimate that was prepared in a previous year.  To refresh the information in an estimate, follow these steps:




This will not change any selected taxes but will adjust the tax rate only.



1.   Save any changes you have made to the estimate.

2.   From the estimate screen, click on the Actions drop down. Refresh will only be available on saved estimates.

3.   Select Refresh Estimate.

4.   Select one or more of the options:

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated 

5.   If the Estimate has not been saved at this point it will be saved first and then it will be refreshed to reflect all of the selected options.

6.   Click Apply when prompted for confirmation of the refresh.