Save As Template

There may be times when you will find it useful to create an estimate templates either because you want to create a base estimate to start an estimate from or to create a popular service estimate that will be used for many clients.

After you create an estimate with all the items and general conditions that you require you can create an estimate template. While you are in the estimate from which you would like to create a template, you can do the following:




Any information in the Crew Notes area of the Estimate will also be pulled forward when the template is used and will also be visible on the Template selection screen.



1.   From the estimate screen, click Actions.

2.   Click on Save as Template.

3.   You will receive a message asking if you would like to save your changes and create a template from this Estimate - Choose Ok.

4.   Enter a name for the template.

5.   Click Save.

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated




If a template already exists with the name, you have chosen you will be asked if you wish to overwrite the existing template. If you click OK, you will lose the previous estimate with that name. If you click Cancel you can go back and rename the Template and Save.