Finding Existing Work Orders

Finding an existing opportunity in Manage360 is simple.  Go to the Production area of the application then select the Work Orders option.

A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated

On the Work Orders page, you will be able to search for a Work Order by entering some text into the Search Box then press [ENTER] or click the Search button.

The system will return any Work Orders that match your search text.




You can search for a Work Order by the account name or address or by contact last names, phone numbers or email addresses.



For information on how to navigate the search result pages go to the Page Navigation section.


You can also browse your Work Orders by clicking on the All Work Orders Option in the view dropdown on the top of the screen.  Clicking the column headers will sort them and assist in finding the Work Order. 

The Work Order screen will come with these 4 system views that are not editable: All Work Orders, Cancelled, Closed, Open.

For information on how to create custom views go to the Creating Views section.