Sales & Estimating Module Reports




Equipment List

Report to print out the equipment within the Costbook.

Kit List

Report to print out the kits within the Costbook.

Material List - Costbook

Report to print out the materials within the Costbook.

Plant List

Report to print out the plants within the Costbook.

Subcontractor List

Report to print out the subcontractors within the Costbook.

Sales & Estimating



Contact List

Report to print out your contacts with contact information.

Customer List

Report to print out your customers with contact information.

Opportunity List

Report to print out your opportunities with contact information.

Sales Performance Summary

Report allowing you to review the performance of your sales efforts by different levels. (i.e., sales person).

Sales Pipeline Summary

Report showing you what is currently within your sales pipeline.

Job Management Module Reports

Job Management



Employee Hours Report

Report to print out the hours entered from the job logs for a specific period.

Job Cost - Detail

The job cost drill down report to show estimate vs actuals at different levels.

Job Cost - Labor

The job cost drill down report focused on labor only to show the Estimated vs Actuals at different levels.

Job Profitability Report

Report to show job profitability.

Job Progress Report

Report to provide to a Supervisor/Foreman to allow them to capture the current progress on a job(s).

Purchase Order Report - Multi-Job

Report to print out multiple purchase orders from multiple jobs.

Timesheet Job Log - Multi-Job

A report to print out a job log for a specific job or multiple jobs to be filled in by the foreman at the site at the end of the day.

Work Order - Multi-Job

A report to print out multiple job work orders.

Billing Module Reports




Invoice Report

The customer invoice.


Estimate Reports

Available from Tools/Actions>Reports while viewing an Estimate



Estimate Analysis Report

Report to view the overhead, break even and profit calculations at the item level of the estimate

Material List

Report to print out the materials & plants within the estimate.

Work Order

Report to print out estimate work orders.

Job Reports

Available from Tools/Actions>Reports while viewing a Job



Material List

Report to print out the materials & Plants within the job.

Purchase Order Report

Report to print out purchase orders from the job.

Timesheet Job Log

A report to print out a job log for a specific job to be filled in by the foreman at the site at the end of the day.

Work Order

Report to print out job work orders.


Here are all the activities that you can do within the Reports area: