Maintenance Estimate Actions Menu

1.   Reports - After you are done with the estimate, you can view, export or print the following Reports:

Maintenance Estimate Analysis - Report to print out the detail of the estimate.

Work Order - Maintenance Estimate.

2.   Refresh Pricing - If you made any changes to the estimate items you can refresh the pricing, the following fields will be refreshed from the original Service and Costbook items and the Division of this Estimate:

    Unit Cost

    Equipment rental status

    Supplier of Equipment and Subcontractors

    Purchasing Tax

    Overhead Recovery Markup rate

    Warranty rate

    Labor Burden rate

    Unit Pricing of Subcontractors and Misc. Items

    Fixed Pricing

    Profit Margin and Profit $/Hour

    Sales Tax Rates.

If an item has been deleted from the Service and Costbook, Overhead and Profit settings will be set to the Division defaults.

3.   Estimate Won - When estimates are won, the opportunity needs to be closed. Please specify the reason this was won, the date, and any relevant comments. These details will be saved into the opportunity record.

4.   Estimate Lost - When estimates are lost, the opportunity needs to be closed. Please specify the reason this was lost, the date, and any relevant comments. These details will be saved into the opportunity record.

5.   Delete Estimate - If an estimate is no longer needed, you can easily delete it through the Actions Menu.