Basic Workflow

The following actions will apply to all the areas in Manage360 where files can be attached.



    File Viewing

    Mobile Availability

    File Deletion.

The basic process for all files is as follows:

1.   Upload a file to the desired entity in Manage360.

    There is a specific list of file types that can be uploaded.

2.   During the upload the files will be processed and automatically scanned for viruses.

    Depending on the size of the file being added, it may not be visible immediately which the processing is happening

    If the virus scan is positive, the file will not be downloadable.

3.   The default sort order of the files is by date entered (the newest files are shown first).

4.   Once uploaded file attributes like the Name, Description or Mobile Availability can be edited by clicking on the file name.

5.   The file can be previewed by clicking on the thumbnail. If there are several files, then the preview will allow moving through all of them.

6.   The file can be downloaded by clicking on the download button.

7.   There is a Common Actions function that will allow multiple files to have the following done to them simultaneously.

    Download – multiple files will result in a .zip file being created

    Mobile Availability – several files can be made available to the mobile app at one time

    Delete – allow bulk deletion of the files.